March 2024

Dear Friends of God’s Resort,

So very grateful for your partnership to help people in this Christ-centered communitychoose freedom from their past and reach their potential as a child of God!  May God bless you by His grace!

Jamie and Katrina just moved into their new Habitat for Humanity home this month!! What a joy to see all that God has done in their lives and family!!

They both started using drugs in their early teens.  Jamie spent a lot of time in trouble and finally in prison.  As far as God went, Jamie said he told Katrina“Me and God have an understanding – – I won’t go into His house and He won’t come into mine.”Life went downhill fast as their relationship became so toxic that Katrina put a protective order against Jamie.  Hopelessness drove Jamie to the river with his gun to end his misery.  Through God’s intervention,God saved his life!His best friend, who had gone into the Forge (a partner ministry), got ahold of him and urged him to go there.  Shortly after, in a Refuel Prayer service at God’s Resort, Jamie encountered God and it wasn’t 24 hours later he gave his life to Christ!!

Katrina was amazed at this new man,as she had rarely seen him not high and not angry – – this was proof that God is real!  Not long after that, Jamie baptized Katrina into Christ and they were both miracles!  They came to live at God’s Resort with their two little ones, Ben and Olivia.  Because they had never had relationships with anybody unless it had to do with drugs, they said of God’s Resort,“We began to learn how to have normal, healthy human relationships…we have family dinners together and we are so grateful for the stability we have gained at God’s Resort” 

Jamie has had his job almost four years with several promotions!  Katrina is in the process of finishing her degree in social work at Pitt State!  Of God’s Resort they say, “We are extremely grateful our kids are being raised exactly the opposite of how we were raised.  We couldn’t have made it without God’s Resort because of the help, community, and accountability.” 

Thank you for making it possible for miracles to happen just like the Vera family!!  Truly, may God bless you!

CHCS Mission Week Serve Team

We are so thankful for our community partnerships, and College Heights Christian School is a wonderful, longtime partner with us! During their mission week, they sent students around the globe, yet they still included God’s Resort in their focus. Mr. Todd Johnson and Mr. Daniel Lewis led a group of 7 students who served tirelessly and accomplished so much for us. Our spring projects got an early start as they raked leaves, mowed, trimmed, did some deep cleaning in our kitchen and dining area, and helped us install cabling for some sound system upgrades. Wow! That’s a lot! Thank you CHCS and crew for all your help! We love and appreciate you!

Recent Financial Peace Graduates

Several times a year we offer a four-part financial peace course. This course was specifically designed for our residents and is taught by Erin Taylor and Doyle and Glenda Still. Because of generous donors, our residents are given an incentive. If they complete all four of the courses in a row, they receive $100 off of a month’s rent! Many residents have taken advantage of this tremendous offer over the years. The blessing extends beyond one month’s rent, as the skills they learn help them with their financial stewardship for years to come. Thank you to our donors, and thank you to Erin, Doyle, and Glenda! You are appreciated!

Supplies Needed for New Residents

You can partner with us in welcoming our new residents by helping us stock what is needed for their homes. Here is a list of supplies that we currently need. Supplies can be dropped off at the God’s Resort Community Center (1501 S. Pearl, Joplin) Mon-Thurs, 9-noon or 1-4, and Friday, 9-noon. Thank you for any items you can provide!

•  Sharp knives
•  Toasters
•  Coolie sheets
•  13-gallon trash bags
•  Shower curtain hooks (see image)