December 2023

Dear Friend of God’s Resort,

We are so grateful that we get to partner with you in helping people, through this Christ-centered community, choose freedom from the past and reach their potential as children of God! God is working in mighty ways!

In John 4, Jesus meets an isolated woman at a well who had deep wounds from lots of abuse and the trauma that comes through that lonely pain. Because of similar wounds, not all people are ready to come to God’s Resort, and they need a place to heal.

God’s answer is The Well at God’s Resort!! This is a new three-bedroom home on our campus that will be a discipleship ministry to help women, many of whom have a history of substance abuse, become more rooted in God’s truth and love. This dedicated home will allow women to live communally in preparation to one day move into a single-family home at God’s Resort. The Well will provide an environment to help these women in their journey toward holistic recovery and freedom in Jesus!

The Well is for women…

  • Ages 21 and older who want to grow deeper with God
  • Who are at least six months clean and sober
  • Who have been abused or experienced trauma of any kind

How can you get involved at The Well?

  • Become a prayer partner
  • Befriend a woman at The Well
  • Help us financially launch and sustain The Well

Noi Welch and Stephanie Bridgewater are staff who will be training volunteer staff and will lead this dynamic ministry of transformation and hope!  Please pray for us as The Well opens January 15, 2024!!

Love and prayer,
Jay St. Clair
Executive Director

A Very Blessed Christmas Season at God’s Resort

The Christmas Shoppes were a wonderful success on December 2nd! Thank you to EVERYONE who gave, shopped, or showed up to help. A special thank you to Pastor Chuck Kralik and our friendly neighbors at Byers Avenue Methodist Church for hosting and serving one of our shoppes! What a beautiful partnership! This continues to be one of our favorite events! If you weren’t able to join us this year, we hope you can next year!

Caroling with Sherri and Jon-Michael was such a treat on Sunday, December 10th. They led us in some beautiful traditional songs and the room was literally filled with peace and joy. After their singing, Beau shared a story about giving and then the residents and other guests were given a chance to share a way that someone had blessed them, in a big or small way, at some point in their lives. We talked about how the gifts we receive truly come from God (James 1:17) and the gifts we give to the least of these, we give to God (Matthew 25:40). It was such a meaningful evening.

Finally, to wrap up our Christmas festivities, we enjoyed one another’s fellowship and sharing at our annual Christmas Brag on the 17th! We wrote blessings we’d experienced this past year on ornaments, shared them from the stage, and then hung them on the tree. We closed the evening with a wonderful dinner provided by our dear friends at Christ Community United Methodist Church. Logan and the youth ministry at CCUMC are AWESOME! Thank you! Merry Christmas!

Would You Consider Giving a Year-end Donation to God’s Resort?

If you are considering an end of year donation, please know that your gifts of cash, stock, or real estate are tax deductible and help us continue the work that God is doing. You can donate by visiting and clicking on the “GIVE” tab on our homepage, or by mail to God’s Resort, PO Box 4981, Joplin, MO, 64803. Check envelopes must be postmarked by USPS on or before Saturday, December 30th to be eligible for a U.S. 2023 tax deduction. If you prefer to drop off your donation, our office hours Christmas week will be Tuesday-Thursday, 9-noon, and 1-4pm. Thank you for considering us in your year-end giving! We are beyond grateful for the generous support of our donors. Have a wonderful Christmas and happy New Year!