January 2025

Dear Friends of God’s Resort,

Happy New Year!! We are so grateful that you invest your gifts of love and prayers here.  God is using them and we are looking forward to the most productive year yet in helping people, through this Christ-centered community, choose freedom from their past and reach their potential as children of God.

Robert never knew his dad. He lived between his uncle and his grandma. His mom was a drug addict and in gangs so she spent his growing up years mostly in prison.  While his uncle tempered some of his rebellious ways, Robert still ended up on drugs and in the darkness of sin and addiction.  By the time he hit the bottom of his addiction, he realized he hadn’t seen his kids in five years.  Robert said, “The devil’s in charge when you’re on drugs.”

Robert’s mom became a Christian in prison.  As she began leading others to Christ she also began to push Robert toward God.  She encouraged him to read the Bible.  He says he feels like the blind man that Jesus healed by putting mud on his eyes and having him wash in the pool so he could see. Robert decided to give his life to Christ and was baptized. He gave up everything and went to the Forge.  From there God brought him to God’s Resort where he has continued to grow!!  He says the voices he heard on drugs that led to so much destruction have been replaced by the Holy Spirit’s voice that is guiding him. When Robert speaks of God’s Resort he says “It’s a community like I’ve never imagined.  It just felt like family from the very beginning.”

Robert works hard at his job.  He is reestablishing his relationship with his boys!  They get to stay with him every weekend! Robert has never had a place of his own until now.  When he walked into the apartment people like you have helped prepare for him, fully furnished, he couldn’t believe his eyes!  He kept saying, “WOW, THIS IS REALLY MINE!!!”  It was one of the most joyful experiences we have been a part of!

In the euphoria of the moment, I said to Robert, “Now we know what Heaven will be like when we move in the room Jesus has prepared for us in His house!”  Thank you for giving not just a home but a community that brings such joy and transformation!
Love and prayer,

Jay St. Clair
Executive Director


This month, we would like to spotlight our dedicated food group volunteers!

Fellowship plays a crucial role in strengthening individuals and fostering growth in faith within a community of believers. At God’s Resort, we are privileged to facilitate fellowship through communal meals multiple times each week, enhancing our collective spirit.

Sunday Night Fellowship begins with worship and praise, followed by a meal generously provided by various food groups. Each Sunday features a different food group that graciously prepares and serves a meal, creating an opportunity for connection among participants.

On Thursday mornings, our Coffee and Chat event provides an additional platform for community engagement, where food groups contribute breakfast for attendees. Furthermore, on the first Saturday of each month, we organize a Men’s Prayer Breakfast, during which a food group supplies breakfast specifically for the men in our community.

Participation in a food group requires dedication and a spirit of generosity, and we sincerely appreciate the commitment of our God’s Resort food groups.
We invite you to consider joining our food group team. Currently, we are seeking volunteers for the following food-serving opportunities:

  • Coffee and Chat (Thursdays from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM):
  • Position 1: Provide fruit and muffins or pastries.
  • Position 2: Provide a breakfast casserole and fruit.
  • Each position entails a six-week rotation.
  • Scheduled Dates needed for the Men’s Prayer Breakfast:
  • March 1, 2025
  • June 7, 2025
  • November 1, 2025

We appreciate your consideration in contributing to our community through these vital initiatives. If you or your group are interested in serving as a food group, please contact our volunteer coordinator, Machaela Cantu at Machaela@godsresortjoplin.org.

Incense Rising 24-hour Worship and Prayer Gathering February 7-8!

We are excited to share that God’s Resort is hosting Incense Rising for a 24-hour prayer and worship gathering! We would love to have you come by and seek God’s face with us. Drop by the community center at 1501 S Pearl anytime between Friday, February 7th at 7pm and Saturday, February 8th at 7pm. Light snacks and drinks provided.

Supplies Needed for New Residents

Could you help supply some items to prepare homes at God’s Resort for new residents? Here is a list of items that we currently need. Items can be dropped off at the God’s Resort Community Center (1501 S. Pearl, Joplin) Mon-Thurs, 9-noon or 1-4, and Friday, 9-noon. Please note that our offices will be closed for the holidays on Dec 24, 25, 27, and 31. Thank you for any items you can provide!

  • Full-size mattress pads/covers
  • Brooms with dust pans
  • Toilet bowl brushes and cleaner

Sunday Night Fellowship

Sundays at 5:30 pm
No Sunday Night Fellowship February 9

Bible Study

Mondays at 6:30 pm

Refuel Prayer Service

Tuesdays at 6:30 pm

Recovery Meeting

Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

Coffee & Chat

Thursdays at 9:00 am

Men’s Bible Study

Saturdays at 8:30 am
No Men’s Bible Study February 8

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Saturdays at 8:30 am

Women’s Bible Study

Saturdays at 8:30 am
The Blessing House at God’s Resort
1505 S Pearl, Joplin, 64804
No Women’s Bible Study February 8