May 2024

Dear Friends of God’s Resort,

We are always so grateful for your partnership in helping people choose freedom from the past and through this Christ-centered community reach their potential as a child of God. Generations are being impacted!

Just a few years ago we had a handful of children at God’s Resort, but as we have grown God has given us more opportunity to care for a greater number of children. Today we have 23 children living with their parents here and another nine children visiting their parents with the hopes of coming home to them!

We have welcomed Kyleigh Wayman to our staff as our first Next Gen Coordinator (the young lady on the left in the picture)!Kyleigh just graduated from Ozark Christian College and joins our staff full-time to help our children have the same successful experience that we want for their parents! Kyleigh’s heart and life experience helps her connect, love, and teach our children the Way, the Truth, and Life in Jesus! Thus, my nickname for her is Kyleigh the Way!! She is the perfect answer to many prayers over the years to have a person on staff watching over the progress of our children who range from Julianna who just graduated from Joplin High School (the young lady pictured with Kyleigh) to little three-year-old Journey. It’s fun to see a group of teen girls studying the Bible with her or the confidence of knowing God’s word is being sown into the little ones on Sunday nights!

This emphasis on children is going to be greatly enhanced by a 500 sq. ft. addition to our Blessing House next door to the Community Center (see picture), that will house a room designed for ministry to our children! We are blessed by your partnership that only Heaven will be able to fully tell the story of lives and generations changed for eternity!

Love and prayers,
Jay St. Clair
Executive Director

A common need of our residents is reliable transportation.

A dependable vehicle enables God’s Resort residents to make it to work so they can provide an income to keep a roof over their head, food on the table, and meet other monetary needs. It also helps with shuffling kids to childcare or other activities, opens the door for broadening their community of support (e.g., church) and the countless other things we utilize our vehicles for daily.

Can you help? A gift of a vehicle to God’s Resort is tax-deductible and a great way to help someone continue to move forward in their stability. Contact John Giles at 417-553-4080 or if you have a vehicle you’re interested in donating! Thanks for considering!