May 2023

Dear God’s Resort Friends,

We are forever grateful for your partnership in helping people, through this Christ-centered community, choose freedom from the past and reach their potential as children of God. Generations are finding life and community in Christ and the healing that comes from it!

Josh told me his past is so dark and complicated, it would take a long time just to tell it. Here is a part of his story: Josh’s mom was a dope cook and addict. She went to prison for welfare fraud when Josh was 3 years old and he was left to the system. He hardly knew his dad, who was a Vietnam vet and also an addict. His dad was beaten so badly, and was so severely impaired, that he knew nothing and could do nothing and died when Josh was only 10 years old. Josh was in and out of foster homes and state residential facilities most of his growing up until he was adopted at age 15. As a very troubled kid who didn’t know how to deal with his feelings, he dropped out of school and started drinking alcohol and doing drugs. He didn’t know much about God, but what he did know, he didn’t like. He felt like church people didn’t love him, they judged him, and that is how he felt God thought of him. By age 18, he had two kids, but he lost them and fell into deep depression and more drugs and alcohol. This was the beginning of years of chronic homelessness. He met his wife, and they had two kids, but they lost custody because they were always on drugs.

While living in a homeless shelter, Josh went to a Men’s Encounter and learned for the first time about the love of Jesus. He and his wife came to God’s Resort and got custody of their kids again, but when his adopted mom died, he relapsed back into drugs and his wife put a restraining order on him. Having lost everything and everyone, he was ready to end his life, but instead, went to the Forge. Through his time there, he came to live at God’s Resort again, where he has continued the long process of recovery and is still praying and working on restoring his marriage.
Josh has his certification as an HVAC technician. He works at Locke’s Supply as a sales associate for heat and air contractors. He has been employed there for a year, the longest he has ever held a job. “My goal is to have a management position and someday to own my own HVAC company.”

Josh says, “God’s Resort is my safe place. I have learned stability to become a stable husband, father, and man of God who has hope for my future for the first time in my life.” Here at God’s Resort, Josh has grown to love Jesus! “Jesus is everything to me. He saved my life!” Thank you for loving Josh and helping him transform into a true man of God. Someday in Heaven, his little boys will thank you, too!

Love and prayer,
Jay St. Clair
Executive Director

James River Church Showed Up!

We say it often, and we mean it every single time – there is NO WAY we could do what we do without volunteers! This month we want to give a special thank you to James River Church. They reached out earlier this year and asked if they could come over to God’s Resort and help in some way. We were quick to say, “YES!” and a few short months later they rolled in with 150+ volunteers and planted trees and bushes, removed and replaced mulch, added multiple flower gardens, and built a shed! It was amazing! Not only did they bring beauty and life to our properties, their joyful, servant-hearted volunteers and staff were so encouraging to be around. We are thankful! God bless you, James River Church!

Congratulations To Our Recent Forge Graduates!

We have a wonderful partnership with Watered Gardens’ men’s program, Forge. The
program helps develop virtue and a strong work ethic in men through multiple phases. When the men reach their final phase, many have the opportunity to live at God’s Resort as they finish up at Forge. Recently, Jarad Bader and Josh Swartz finished all their requirements for Forge and graduated! We are so proud of them! You read about Josh’s story in Jay’s letter above, and here you can see another picture of him, and one of Jarad, during the graduation celebration. Thank God with us for what He’s doing in their lives and in the lives of others like them; and pray for them as they continue to walk in the Lord and in His mighty strength! God is good!

Needed Items…

We’re in need of various items to help us get apartments ready for new residents. Items can be dropped off at God’s Resort (1501 S. Pearl, Joplin) during office hours (M-Th, 9-4, Fri, 9-noon – closed M-Th 12-1 for lunch). Thank you for any help you can provide in this area!