March 2023

Dear God’s Resort Friends,

We always thank God for you as you join us with your gifts of love and prayer to help people, through this Christ-centered community, choose freedom from their past and reach their potential as children of God! Generations are changing thanks to Christ in you – the hope of so many!
Ally’s parents split up when she was a little girl. By the time she was a teenager, she had started running with the wrong crowd. Due to this lifestyle, she ended up in a dark place of addiction and dysfunction. It wasn’t long until she was addicted to heroin and meth. Ally was in and out of jail, and after getting into an abusive relationship, she spiraled further down. She ended up facing a felony charge and prison.

Then Jesus came and redeemed her out of the pit that had buried her! “Jesus is grace to me that I didn’t deserve,” she says. Through loving family support, she went to Guiding Light (a partner ministry), and from there she came to God’s Resort. While here, through her stability plan and our Christ-centered community, she grew to a place that enables her to have full custody of her boys. Ally is a great mom!! She says, “My boys help me grow in grace everyday as I learn how much Jesus loves me in my love for them.” She is an assistant team lead at Chick-fil-A and will soon be promoted to team lead!

As we talked about what God’s Resort means to her, she said, “God’s Resort is my second chance and a steppingstone for me, because I couldn’t be in college and better myself without it. The community really helps me get to where I couldn’t get by myself.” Ally is now a full-time student at Crowder College!

Thank you for your support, love, and prayers for Ally and her boys, as well as so many others who you are helping by your compassion and commitment to what God is doing here!

Love and prayer,
Jay St. Clair
Executive Director

All Night Worship & Prayer
Come & Go
Beginning March 31, 2023 – 8:00 p.m.
Ending April 1, 2023 – 7:00 a.m.
Breakfast to follow (7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.)
Join us as we ask God for revival in our neighborhoods, our nation, and the world!

God’s Resort Community Center
1501 S. Pearl
Joplin, Missouri

Welcome to Our Staff, Sherri and Stacey!

Sherri Tash – Administrative Assistant

We are excited to welcome Sherri Tash to our staff! Sherri has held various administrative assistant positions over the last 30 years, mostly in the legal field, and she was one of our first office volunteers eight years ago! We were grateful for her expertise then as an administrative assistant, and we are equally grateful for her return! Already, she is making our work seem lighter! Sherri has been married to Mike for 29 years, and they have two sons, Blake and Chase. Their family attends James River Church and enjoys traveling to sporting events and playing board games together. They hope to eventually operate a cattle ranch in SE Kansas. They have been supporters of God’s Resort almost since its inception, because they believe in the ministry, community, and opportunities available here. Sherri expressed, “God’s Resort provides an avenue for men, women, and children to find life-changing stability while experiencing the love of Jesus Christ! There is no greater joy than watching someone find their potential and freedom as their lives are transformed by walking a steady path, with the Lord and his people sustaining them through friendship and mentorship. It will be an honor and privilege to use my skillset to be a small part of that endeavor, and to add building blocks to the foundation already established here.” Thank you, Sherri, for using your gifts to bless the Kingdom through the work of God’s

Stacey Johnson – Life Transition Coordinator

We are excited to welcome Stacey Johnson to our staff as a Life Transition Coordinator! She will be meeting with many of our residents, mentoring them in their walk with Jesus and supporting them to reach the goals of their stability plan. Stacey grew up in a Christ-centered home on a farm in Nebraska where she met and later married her high school sweetheart, Larry. They have 3 adult children and 6 beautiful grandchildren. Stacey had the privilege of working at a law office as a legal assistant here in Joplin for the last 14 plus years. Stacey and Larry have been drawn to God’s Resort for quite some time, but about a year ago they started attending and volunteering on a regular basis. They soon fell in love with the people. Stacey shared, “Nothing is better than worshipping and praising Jesus alongside others who have been gratefully redeemed and want a better life in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!” Stacey finds it an honor to pray over the residents of God’s Resort, and specifically this prayer from Ephesians 3:17-19, “that they will be rooted and grounded in love, so that they can have the power to grasp how wide and long and high and deep the Love of Christ is for them.” God has definitely been at work preparing Stacey to be a Life Transition Coordinator. Her smile and love for Jesus are contagious! We thank Him for His work in her life to prepare herfor such a time as this!”

Thank You, College Heights Christian School!

A big THANK YOU to Todd Johnson, Scott Yount, and the 8 students from College Heights Christian School who came and served during their mission week this month! They helped build shelving for some of the donations that are given to new residents, and they also painted, cleaned, and did yard work. God’s Resort thrives on volunteer support. Thank you and God bless you!

Volunteers Needed to Help Mow and Trim

Some people dread it, but some people enjoy it! What is it? Mowing! If you’re one of those people that would like to help us mow, we sure would appreciate it. The grass always seems to come back after winter, it loves to grow, and we’ve got a lot of it! For more information, please call or email Jon-Michael at or 417-553-4080.