November 2023

Dear God’s Resort Friends,

In this season of Thanksgiving, and always, we are grateful for you! Together we are helping people get where they couldn’t on their own by helping them choose freedom from the past and reach their potential as a child of God. We are changing generations!

Sarah grew up in a good home, but by Jr. High she began to hang out with a group of people who led her into a lifestyle of drug abuse and darkness. Once she started, she couldn’t stop. She hit the bottom of that dark pit the day the authorities took her newborn baby girl, Journey, away from her.

Sarah was devastated and it awakened in her a desperation for God and His help! She had grown up with religion, but she found a relationship with Jesus! Sarah said, “I knew God and Jesus existed and as I look back, I can see that He was with me all through my addiction, but I was
running away from Him. I stopped running and got down on my knees and prayed, ‘God, I have to have your help now!! I need you!! I can’t do this by myself!’” God answered and He restored her relationship with her family and her baby girl! “I now have an intimate relationship with Jesus, and I am back in the church, and my little girl is learning how to have a relationship with Jesus herself!”

After 15 months in recovery programs, God brought Sarah and her little Journey to God’s Resort! This is her first apartment of her own and she calls God’s Resort “our safe place.” “This is our community and place to not isolate but to heal. We are connected to people who love me and my daughter and lead us spiritually.” Sarah is spiraling up! Just like her daughter Journey’s name, they are on a journey with Jesus! He has plans to give them hope and a future! Sarah has a great job, is working hard, and is trusting God for His plans!
On behalf of Sarah, Journey, and the entire God’s Resort community, thank you for joining the journey and mission of changing lives and generations!

Love and prayer,
Jay St. Clair
Executive Director

Our Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Was a Blessed Success!

Our hearts were full and our spirits were lifted by the generous support of the Joplin community for our annual Thanksgiving Dinner! Thank you!!! God showed up and the people showed up, too. We served over 200 meals!

It was wonderful to see many of our residents and their extended families enjoying a delicious, home-cooked meal together. Many of our friends who frequent God’s Resort events, and some from the surrounding neighborhood, came as well and were blessed by your generosity. This is what it’s all about.

To everyone who cooked a meal, served a meal, washed dishes, set up or tore down (or both!) … THANK YOU! May God richly bless you in every way! See you soon!

The Christmas Shoppes Are Just a Few Days Away!

The Christmas Shoppes will be open for business on Saturday, December 2nd, from 5-7pm. The one for parents to “shoppe” will be set up at Byers Avenue Methodist Church, and the one for kids to “shoppe” for their parents will be at the God’s Resort Community Center.

We’d still love to have your help on these remaining needs!

  1. We need people to bring unwrapped practical gifts that would fit in a stocking. Parents and kids may also “fill a stocking” for $5 by choosing from a table filled with these practical donations.
  2. We need people who would help us set up the “Shoppes” on Friday, Dec 1st .
  3. Each of our children need a personal shopper on Dec. 2 when the Shoppe is open at the Community Center.
  4. We need people to help parents and children alike wrap their gifts before they leave their respective “Christmas Shoppe.”

If your family, business, Sunday school class, or life group is looking for a way to serve and add dignity to our families, this is a great opportunity! Thank you to everyone who has already contributed or signed up to help! The outpouring of support has been tremendous! We love our community!

If you have questions, please call Julie or Sherri at